Advent Life22.03.2023 г.3 мин.ГрипКак комбинираните бързи тестове помагат за справянето с грипа и Ковид-19Въпреки че последиците от Ковид-19 по света намаляват все повече, експертите смятат, че този вирус няма да изчезне напълно. Предполага...
Advent Life8.10.2021 г.2 мин.КовидLife After the Pandemic: What Can We Learn from the Spanish Flu?What did we learn from the Spanish flu? What will life be like post-pandemic? Here are some lessons from the past.
Advent Life9.04.2021 г.2 мин.КовидRapid Antigen Tests Are Gaining Widespread Acceptance in Europe While PCR tests remain the ”gold standard” for Covid-19 diagnosis, rapid antigen tests are rapidly entering the European market, allowing...
Advent Life17.11.2020 г.2 мин.КовидThe Diversity of Non-invasive Covid-19 TestsSince the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, testing has played a crucial role in keeping track of cases and managing transmission...