Digital Pregnancy test

Digital Pregnancy Test
During pregnancy, the female body produces the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone). The digital pregnancy test is quick and easy to use and detects the presence or absence of pregnancy with over 99% accuracy.
The result is displayed on an electronic display for absolute clarity.
The product is standardized to the Third International Standard of the WHO and detects hCG in urine at a level of 25 mlU/mL or higher.
Digital Pregnancy Test
How to use the test
You can use this test at any time of the day.
Step 1: When you are ready to use it, remove the test from the protective foil pouch and then remove the cap of the test device.
Hold the test with the absorbent tip pointing down and the display facing up and place the absorbent tip under a stream of urine for 5 seconds.
Be careful not to get urine on the plastic part of the test.
Collect the urine sample in a clean, dry container and immerse the entire absorbent tip of the test in for 10 seconds.
Step 2: Put the cap back on the test and place it on a flat surface with the display facing up.
The clock symbol will appear and flash on the display after adding the urine sample - this indicates that the test is working.
Step 3: After approximately 3 minutes, a "YES+" or "NO-" result will appear on the display.
1 Digital hCG Pregnancy Test
1 Package Insert
Results Interpretation